As a long-time Bootstrap user, it was time for something new. So I learned about Tailwindcss. Not long thereafter, I noticed Flowbite and TailwindUI and bought licenses for both Tailwind libraries/extensions.
But because I’m so old that I witnessed the birth of the internet, I never joined the high speed train to frameworks like React and nextJS because of a very unpleasant experience with Angular. So I still prefer to work in plain HTML, CSS and JS.
A bit later I discovered that TailwindUI has nice templates but only serves them in React or NextJS.
As I said before, I like to work with the basics so I want to see this vanilla code. But how can I get from a React app to vanilla code?
First of all, rename the file .env.example to .env. In that file, change the url accordingly. After we did this, we run the following command:
npm install
This results in the following: